Pelancaran minggu Bahasa Arab & Inggeris telah berlangsung pada 21hb Februari 2011 bertempat di Dataran Za'ba. Pn Sudarmi Bt Misman selaku Guru Penolong Kanan Kurikulum telah merasmikan Minggu Bahasa Arab & Inggeris.
Minggu Bahasa Arab 2011
"Uhibbu Al-Lughatul Arabiah"
Aktiviti minggu bahasa arab :
- Majlis Perasmian.
- Kuiz Lisan & bertulis
- Pertandingan terjemahan
- Pertandingan hiwar
- Pertandingan syair
English Week 2011
"Sure Fun With English"
Introduction :
English Week is held annually by English & MUET Panel in collaboration with English Language Society, SMK Bagan Terap.Basically the nature of the programme is to provide a channel for the students to have fun with English.
- To appreciate and enhance students' talents and creativities.
- To create awareness that English is an everyday language.
- To capture students' interest towards the use of English Language
Aktiviti Minggu Bahasa Inggeris :
- Monday (21st February) - Opening ceremony.
- Tuesday (22nd February) - Poem Recitation, Spell it Right, Cupcakes Decoration Contest & Word Building.
- Wednesday (23rd February) - Story Telling, Spell it Right, Treasure Hunt & Giant Puzzle.
- Thursday (24th February) - Singing Presentation & Spell it Right.
- Friday (25th February) - Spell it Right & Prize Giving Ceremony.
- Monday - Thursday :- Greeting Card & Bookmark Competition, Logo Designing Competition & Written Quizzes.
- Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good see it and anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it.
- ( Al-Zalzalah :7-8)
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